A Colic-Free baby.

colic/ˈkɒlɪk/Learn to pronouncenoun

severe pain in the abdomen caused by wind or obstruction in the intestines and suffered especially by babies.

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When our son was born, we received many advisers about baby diseases and issues that come with motherhood. Colic was one of the things most mothers warned me about and without knowing what it was, I cursed it to the root away from my baby. I had gone through enough pain to even think that I’ll bear a crying baby for 3 months or even a week.

Babies cry when they’re irritated, when they are feeling hot, when they need a diaper change and when hopefully there’s nothing wrong with them, they just cry, at least I have learnt to detect and presume it could be one of the above reasons. For a baby crying because of colic may want you to cry as well because from what I hear, it is unbearable. Apart from giving them more attention and love, there’s nothing much one can do for colic.

What if I told you there’s; As a new mother, I have learned a lot of things on job and I’ll probably be sharing some of my experiences yet. A breastfeeding baby literary digests everything they suckle from their mother’s breastmilk. One time I ate greens and on checking my baby’s diaper, he had green excrete and I was shocked to even imagine that a tiny human being who only drinks milk can end up having greens. (Thinking out loud) it then occured to me that a baby digests what the mother digests and that was one step towards having a colic free baby.

Colic is basically caused by gas in the stomach and so one of my parents gave me a hack which I am going to share with you. From birth I was put on a guided diet of what to eat and what not to. In order for your baby to be colic free, stop eating foods that contain or cause blotting in your stomach for the sake of the baby right from birth. As a mother I was ready to revenge eat everything I w as refused to eat while I was pregnant immediately after birth but I am still sacrificing that until our son is weaned.

Foods not to eat in order to avoid colic in babies at least those that I managed to keep away from. Beans, cowpeas, milk, chocolate, icecream, yoghurt, sodas, pineapples, oranges,coffee lemon and cabbage among others. These and any other products that cause your stomach to blot are an indication that your child will definitely be feeling the same or worse.

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Foods to eat to have a healthy baby without feeling like you are missing out on the blotting foods but also to prevent colic. Tomatoes, pork, chicken, millet flour, tea, beef, rice, whole grain, greens and also take as much warm water in this period. It takes a lot to be a mother, I have sacrificed to have a healthy baby from conception to birth and an everlasting journey to adulthood. It is in the little things that we get connected. Once you stop living for yourself, you have just started living

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